“Encountering the Mystery of God” is a practical plan for the seven weeks of Mystagogy within the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). It covers the period from the second week of Easter to Pentecost Sunday, detailing practical and realistic ways of including those involved in the process: priest, parish RCIA team, parish community and the newly-received.
However, the book reaches beyond RCIA. It shows how Christians generally can celebrate the Season of Easter according to the unfolding drama of the liturgy in these seven weeks between Easter and Pentecost. It follows the example of the Risen Christ himself who was the first to institute this formation period for his apostles between Resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit.
The book traces a gradual journey of exploration into the spiritual life for us all as we journey from Easter to Pentecost. We reflect with Thomas on faith in the Risen Christ; then we accompany the disciples to Emmaus; after the Good Shepherd and the gate of the sheepfold, we come to know Jesus as the Way, Truth and Life. We see that conversion means to be part of the mission to all the world at the Ascension. We wait to be filled with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. This spiritual journey is largely based on the Gospel of John as the liturgy requires and makes links with parish involvement on a week-by-week basis according to the Gospel themes.
Based on empirical research that celebrates the quality of the Mystagogy period offered in parishes, the book emphasises the significance of the sacramental practice of the neophytes and newly received in their lives. Mystagogy, of course, continues for one’s whole life, but the fourth period of RCIA is requires us to ‘nurture the vine’ for seven weeks after Easter.
“Encountering the Mystery of God” is a recommended resource for all parishes and for people who wish to follow their spiritual journey through these seven weeks of liturgy.
The author is a Christian Brother who coordinates the Adult Catechumenate in the Archdiocese of Adelaide.
Endorsements for Encountering the Mystery of God
This resource will set your hearts on fire through the Word and then, like the Emmaus disciples, it will help you to recognise Him in the breaking of the bread. But the journey is not yet finished. The nurtured vine must produce abundant fruit. Once we recognise the risen Christ in the breaking of the bread, we are then ready to receive the promised Holy Spirit sending us out to be Jesus’ witnesses and missionaries to the world. Rev. Dr Elio Capra SDB.
“Encountering the Mystery of God” provides much-needed resources, both practical and theoretical, for the final stage of the adult journey into the Catholic Church. Parish RCIA teams and their leaders, especially, will find it valuable. Initial chapters explore the nature of conversion and the role of the Sunday scripture readings in the Mystagogy, the final stage of the RCIA process. Yet the book has a practical heart, with eight chapters devoted to the Sundays between Easter and Pentecost – recommending scriptural perspectives, offering reflections on the Eucharist, and making practical suggestions for each week’s meeting. Patrick Cronin’s strong background in leading RCIA teams, at both parish and diocesan levels, makes this book a must for the RCIA. Rev Dr James McEvoy, President, Australian Catholic Theological Association.